South Webster Christ UMC COVID – 19 Response

A message from Pastor Ed on return to In-Person Worship:
South Webster Christ will be taking steps to return to in-person worship in phases as per Bishop Palmer and West Ohio Conference which is following State of Ohio and CDC guidelines.
After prayerful consideration, South Webster Christ has come up with a slow re-entry plan that balances the needs of some to attend in person while seeking to protect the most vulnerable members of our congregation.
Our plan is as follows:
Phase 1–Our focus on Sunday worship will continue with our current online format, beginning around 10:00 AM and lasting 30-40 minutes. Beginning this Sunday, May 31, 2020, the sanctuary doors will be open and congregants may attend the online production in person. During this phase the in-person worship experience will be little different than if you continued to watch from home. Anyone entering and exiting the building are asked to use hand sanitizer and maintain social distancing. Families should sit together and keep distance as much as possible between households when attending in person. If you have a fever or are not feeling well, we ask you to stay home. Phase 1 does not yet have an end date but at the very least will be in place as long as the State of Ohio Social Distancing Order is in place which as of yesterday is extended through July 1.
Phases 2 and 3 are continuing to be developed and details will be announced at a later time.
We have the love of all of our congregation in our thoughts and prayers and will ere on the side of caution to protect all of them and as such, we will close the building again if the situation warrants it.
Jesus defined His church many different ways in the gospel and none of those definitions specified walls and a roof. He is our cornerstone and is where our faith is placed. His church will continue to grow and thrive through the end of the age as promised wherever we gather in His name.